Conditions and useful information
Useful information
Check in
From 14:00 to 21:00
Check out
to 11:00
Free cancellation until 00:00, 1 day(s) before your arrival
General cancellation policy applicable on all rates, excluding special rates that specify specific cancellation policies
WIFI is available without charge
Breakfast available for 10,50 €
A tasty breakfast
To start the day off right, the restaurant offers a rich and balanced breakfast buffet. You will find a selection of fresh products: pastries and bread baked on site, fouace (a local specialty), cold meats, cheeses, fresh seasonal fruits, yogurts and many other delicacies. Fans of hot drinks will appreciate the wide range of Folliet teas as well as the different coffee options.
Onsite parking
Free onsite parking
Extra beds available on reservation for a supplement of 15,00 € / night
Baby cots are available on reservation
People with Disabilities
The configuration of our establishment does not allow us to accommodate people with reduced mobility
Animals are accepted
Animals incur a charge of 5,00 € / animal / night
Accepted payment methods
- Visa
- Euro/Mastercard
- Carte Bleue
- Espèce
- Chèque
- Chèque Vacances
- Carte / Ticket Restaurant
- Virement bancaire
Tourism tax
0,70 € (per person, per night)